
About Us

E-bikes are zero-emission vehicles since they use lithium-ion batteries. Riding an e-bike means you're not contributing to global warming. You will emit no pollutants into the atmosphere. In fact, using e-bikes will save up to 500 pounds of carbon emissions each year.

Are e-bikes eco friendly? Electric Bikes are Eco Friendly Electric bicycles do consume energy. In comparison to a moped, motorbike or a car, the amount of energy used is very small, making them more eco friendly choice of transport. Ebikes only use battery power which can be recycled when they have reached their life span.

Certified Staff

24/7 Support

Quality Service

Cost Effective

Why Choose Us

Quick Charging


Efficient Motor


Our Experts

Our team has been building all kinds of bicycle repair for over 20 years

Andy Sant

Andy Sant


Dan Kaul

Dan Kaul


Saru Matt

Saru Matt


Cyrus Nato

Cyrus Nato


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